This aptly titled programme was a discussion on the then upcoming elections. The panelists were none other than adman and columnist Mr Suhel Seth and Editor-in-Chief of the Asian Age Mr M J Akbar. Renowned actor Mr Victor Banerjee moderated the proceeding. The discussion was filled with loads of hard-hitting sarcasm and witty reproach, sparing none.
An interactive session to discuss the ‘goods’ and ‘bas’ of our education system brought together Mrs Ranee Banerjee (parent) and Dev Kapur (student) who spoke about the disadvantages of the system and Ms Sharmila Bose (principal of Birla High School - Girls) and Dr Kavita Panjabi (professor) who talked about the advantages of our system of education.
This programme in association with the Trendsmith Jewellery store had Mr Samrat Zaveri and Mr Krish Khiraiya talk about diamonds and other precious gems. Both the speakers gave very handy tips on how to recognize and maintain diamond jewellery.
Mr Karan Grover – Winner of the Version 2 Platinum Award, made a presentation that was a visual journey illustrating Indian’s rich architectural tradition. The event also addressed architectural issues that could be applied to our daily lives.
We had two very well known doctors take center stage – Dr Shaikh Hassan Iqbal, a master Orthopedic and Spinal Surgeon and Dr C S Mukherjee, Calcutta’s most successful pain therapist talked to our members about two medical conditions that plague us greatly – Osteoporosis and Arthritis. This was an extremely educative event.
A talk by Dr Vasantha Patri, Chairperson, Indian Institute of Counseling, New Delhi, aimed to help us combat communication problems head-on. Be it in the family or the work place, she shared useful tips on the art of effective communication.
On Mother Teresa’s birth anniversary, LSG organized the screening of a documentary on Mother’s Journey towards sainthood (scripted and directed by Payal Mohanka). After the film there was a short interaction with Sr. Nirmala, Superior General, Missionaries of Charity and Mrs Sunita Kumar.
LSG’s Foundation Day was celebrated with great enthusiasm. Mir of Radio Mirchi fame compered the event. Our members really enjoyed participating in the games, fun and frolic. Amid all the excitement, time was also taken out to distribute food packets to some children and bring a smile on their faces too.
A one-day interactive workshop with Swami Sukhbodhananda. Stress, our biggest enemy and the origin of most of our troubles – through this workshop Swamiji helped us identify the treasures and vastness of our inner resources to combat stress, fatigue and pressure so that we can try to change our lives from ordinary to extraordinary.
Manish Malhotra, Karan Johar, Kareena Kapoor and many more stars, politicians and celebrities consult her before planning anything in their lives…
LSG and Ms Madhulika Khaitan of Hugli (the lifestyle store) jointly organized a play that demonstrated how one should seek the sunny side of life despite its disappointments. Well known theatre personality Dolly Basu was the lead actor and director of the play.